Review of Connected: The Power Of Six Degrees

Video ini menceritakan sekitar 6 milyar manusia di seluruh dunia pasti terkoneksi dengan manusia lain di seluruh penjuru dunia. Seseorang percaya bahwa koneksi dapat merubah kehidupan. Di dalam video ini pada awalnya, untuk membuktikan teori six degrees kami melakukan survei kecil kepada 40 orang dan menanyakan mengenai six degrees, tetapi beberapa orang yang menjawab mengatakan …

The Computational Social Science And The “New” Network Science

The computational social science could be a method that suitable for us to analyze data deeply. The capacity to collect and analyze massive amounts of data has transformed such fields as biology and physics. The data could be like data sets of millions of people, including location, financial transactions and communications. Communications means how people …

Digital life: today & tomorrow

In my opinion, in this video shows the amount of device usage culture in this last decade (in 2010) for instance, the interest to using any devices; smartphones, laptops, and tablets at the past. In this video, mostly people tend to use smartphones as their device to communicate and connect to another people in another …